Fe likes beer. Like, a lot. And she noticed beer was always associated with masculinity. Fe took matters into her own cans and decided to start her own brewery: Bitter Women. As a work in progress, she is not sure how to brew beers tasty enough to end patriarchy a pint at a time. But with an empowering branding and thirst for a change, Fe is settled on ending gender bias in beer drinking.
Beer is always presumed to be served in pints and half pints are often seen as emasculating. Smaller measures are a milestone to more women trying out beer and it’s considered an appropriate way to drink craft beer (as they tend to be quite strong, intense and expensive).
Combining both glassware stereotypes, the idea is to embrace the traditional ‘pint’ for all genders but also make it accessible to women and the beers we’re producing
Launch a gift box with the whole experience (beers, glass and coasters) to be given to women who think they don’t like beer. The idea is to influence friends, mothers and others to try out beer again, this time Bitter Women style.
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